Solar Panel Cleaning

Solar panels lose up to 30% of their power-generating ability when they get dusty and dirty.
And that means you’re not getting the best from your solar system, and it’s costing you money!
Dust, dirt, salty air, road grime, leaves and pollen can all contribute to making your solar panels cloudy and ineffective. The rain is not enough to clean them – in fact, it can make them dirtier due to the minerals it deposits and leaves behind once dried.
See Clean Windows uses chemical-free products and pure water to make your panels sparkling clean. Our equipment is non-abrasive and environmentally friendly, ensuring a stain and scratch free finish for maximum sunlight absorption.
Residential solar panel cleaning – Let us help you start reaping the rewards by making your solar panels as efficient as they can be.
Commercial solar panel cleaning – Generally, with commercial installations, solar panels are installed on flat roofs, meaning that there is even more dirt build up!
Whether you have a few solar panels to a few hundred solar panels, See Clean Windows can help.